We receive many, many leather care questions every year…but not too often from Europe. We guess that our reputation for the most professional care of special leather and suede garments has spread far and wide.
Customer Inquiry:
“Hello. I bought a Schott cafe racer jacket in steerhide (the 641), and I want to know what product I can use to take care, clean and preserve it in time. I wear it on motorcycle and in the street. I live in France and the cost to send it to U.S. will be expensive. We can have Lexol products, Vanson leather balm and the other in the list of web direction I put after. At Schott Gail talk about mink oil but we can find it only in the shoes greases like Kiwi, Famaco for boots and outdoor shoes, or in the products for horses leather saddles. May be it’s good for motorcycle jackets? Thank you for the answer and sorry for my english.”
Mr Eric Cahuet
Our reply:
“You have purchased a finished horsehide jacket, finished means it has a finish on the leather that is basically a pliable paint especially formulated for that type of leather and for a specific use. My honest opinion is that you really need to do nothing, but wear it and enjoy it. For a period of time, you can wipe it off with a soft damp cloth, after it starts to get broken in, you may want to get a leather lotion similar to our Fine Leather Lotion, that has a very light wax in it that will provide a protective coating. I would stay away from silicone, or oily substances, that may serve to break down the leather finish.”
Enjoy your new jacket!
Best regards, Bruce Gershon CGCP