
Hi Bruce. A reader who says he purchased a vintage leather motorcycle jacket from the 60s that smells musty is writing in to our advice column asking how to remove the smell. Our columnist says the jacket smells because it’s been in a damp environment for too long and he suggests hanging it outside on a sunny day and hanging it inside with an open container of baking soda or DampRid. Do musty smells in old leather usually come from the garment being damp? Is this the best way to get rid of the smell? I’m on a short deadline. Are you able to get back to me on Monday?
Thanks so much for your help.
Best, Randy Hartwell GQ
Randy…Your columnist’s advice is not bad, and might do the trick eventually. We would suggest having the jacket professionally restored. We have deodorization and disinfecting methods to kill the mold/mildew that is causing the odor, as well as techniques to recondition the leather. We have done many such jobs with old and antique garments achieving superior results. If you have a moment, check out our website and blog and look at a few of our hundreds of testimonials, and some of the FAQs. I hope this helps answer your questions. I’m happy to help anytime.
Best regards,
Bruce Gershon, President