Here is a recent complimentary email from one of America’s preeminent high fashion designers: PellePelle
“Hi all. I just got back to my office today and saw that the jacket (I’d sent) had come back in. WOW! You guys did a unbelievable job! I am amazed you were able to salvage this jacket. The customer is going to be very pleased.
Bruce, I’m going to get you on our website as the “recommended cleaner” for our products. I will get it in the FAQ section as well as our care/protection page. Thank you so much for your efforts!”
Best regards, Len L. – PellePelle
(Blogger’s Note: – We love getting nice letters and emails from satisfied customers…but especially from such noted fashion industry titans as PellePelle™. Pelle Pelle is a high-end fashion brand created by Marc Buchanan in 1978. It’s commitment to quality and artistic approach to fashion has been embraced for decades by musicians and celebrities worldwide. Premium materials and fine craftsmanship has become a standard for Pelle Pelle’s collections, including Marc Buchanan’s famous leather jackets, denim, sportswear, and outerwear.) You can find out more about PellePelle here.