We receive numerous compliments for the courteous and knowledgeable service that Arrow provides to our nationwide leather and suede cleaning customers. Most of the contact is by email and by telephone. The persons behind the voices on the phones are Susie Shatz and Bob Gershon, shown left.
Bob has been working at Arrow since age 21 after being discharged from the Air Force at the conclusion of World War II. He joined the family business with his father, Joseph Gershon and older brother Mel Gershon. Mel left the business about a year later to pursue his love of chemical engineering and inventing. Joseph Gershon founded Arrow in 1914. Bob took over the reigns of the company upon his dad’s death in 1963 due to a fatal automobile accident just two blocks from Arrow. Bob’s son, Bruce Gershon is now the CEO. Although Bob is 83 years old, Arrow can’t do without his expertise and contacts in the business so he continues to work everyday in spite of recent heart surgery. Needless to say, he loves the work!
Bob’s daughter and Bruce’s sister, Susie Shatz works along side Bob, organizing and expediting the hundreds of leather and suede garments, handbags, gloves, shoes and UGG boots that pour into Arrow every day from across America. She also uses her prodigious experience and talent in sales and marketing by working with our wholesale accounts, manufacturers and retailers of leather and suede garments.